Saturday, April 16, 2011


To begin with I must say that all education is by necessity ideological. But from decades it became a tool to struggle for existence.I just made this introduction to discuss upon the recruitment of M.Ts and DGMs in BSNL.

As per the R.R of M.Ts it had been categorized in to two different streams.

The stream-I Is again sub divided into two new recruitment paths.

A) One is 25% quota external, inviting young blood with dynamic and enthusiastic incumbents as M.Ts directly to the cadre of present STS with B-Tech in a defined branch, through competitive selection subject to condition that under no circumstances the age limit should be >30years.In the present scenario this may be inevitable for the survival of BSNL for meeting the day to day demands of public with modern technologies.

This is the one of the BSNL GR -A RR recruitment conditions that had been framed in 2009 after a long lapse of nine years.This had become a great impact on the age factor of present graduate engineers that none of them found to be less than 30 years.Had this implimentation been made effective w.e.f 2000,quite good number of engineering graduates would have got the eligibility, and oppertunity to compete on par with freshers. we sincerely appeal the association to reconsile on this issue for the benfit of present working engineering graduates.

B) The second part of Stream is open for internal engineering graduates, with age restriction of < 36 years, and should not have competed the E3-E4 mandatory level of departmental training, is also eligible for M.Ts through competitive exam on par with fresher. The present statistics reveals that none of the present working engineering graduate could fulfill the condition of eligibility for this competitive exam. This is how the existing engineering graduates are made scapgoat in attaining the departmental promotion in his life time to the STS level. This is purely eye wash agreement or a rearrangement.Inspte of association struggle on this issue throgh court of law, the abnormal outcome delay again made the working executives worth less to get eligiility. Thus in either way all the doors have been closed to these poor guys. Where is the real support form the associatios to these qualifide executives? Should they be help less and all their experience and qualification go to Dogs?

The Stream-II 50% is virtually made open to service cum-Fitness promotion for those who have 7 years SDE service as well as degree in engineering or commerce related graduate in case of AOs. But this condition is strongly governed by a foot note-2 where in the eligibility criteria are relaxed in qualification point of view. This is how the present working engineering graduates are back stabbed in all possible ways. This is most injustice for an engineering graduate entered in the department (DOT) or acquired engineering degree while in service. As per the statistical information there would be 2000 engineering graduates available, out of which 600 are readily available fulfilling the requisite eligibility of STS promotion to M.Ts.

DGM Outside: Here please observe for one more back stab to DOT recruited Engineering Graduates. As per DGM RR’s the basic requirements are 1.B.Tech, 2. Age below 45 Years, 3.More than 12 years experience, here all of these officers have the above requirements but in the name of E4 scale increments eligibility was denied .By observing the above all one can conclude that suppression of this section by both Organization and the Associations with some intentional agenda.

REPERCUSSIONS: 1. With the adoption of proposed rules of recruitment of M.Ts and DGMs, there would be real frustration among all eligible Engineering graduates who may likely seek justice through court of Law.

2. Un rest Prevails and dis-harmony would be developed among all engineering and non engineering working personnel, which is not desired for the viability of BSNL services. Now I’m afraid you’ll have to read the full report if you want to understand fully how I reached those conclusions, but that is rather inevitable.

Pythagoras, the great mathematician failed in mathematics in SSLC. It's just because he had attempted one problem and found solution in thousand and one ways. But rest got through the exam. Now is it fair to say that rest is great and Pythagoras is mad?

SOLUTIONS: 1. The only way to justify the real worthiness of existing eligible engineering graduates is, a special drive need to be taken by way of conducting special DPC prior to the notification for the recruitment of M.Ts for all the eligible working engineering graduates so that none of them loose seniority.

2. The cut off year for considering internal engineering graduates through competitive exam need to be changed w.e.f 1-10-2000 instead of 14-07-2009. 3. As a matter of fact, all the executives who have been working presently as JTOs /SDEs are working with good technical know how, as well as with additional good managerial experience in their respective arena. Does it not a credential of a present executive what BSNL is looking for? In what way these are inferior to the proposed recruit? Even then if at all BSNL is still ambitious of creamy layer, by way of conducting internal competitive exam in their technical field, and then by imparting special managerial skill training by IIMs,to those declared eligible, would be the better way of selection. This process of selection could be continued quite for some time amongst the working engineering graduates before going for outside MT/DGM’s recruitment. 4.Further I wish to emphasize that no organisation or company need to go for an outside recruitment if at all the same qualified executive are readily eligible and available working in the company. Let our BSNL not loose morality and see that no official loose Loyalty for his organization. Finally what I wish the Associations and the Company to take up the issue again considering all the material facts for the benefit of the company and official as well, such that no Engineering graduate recruited in DOT, would work with dissatisfaction just because he possesses engineering degree. It could be solved by way of conducting a common UPSE exam with all the possible modifications in eligibility criteria as discussed above and should not have impact on further way through STS to JAG too. Now the ball is in the court of associations and very sincere captaincy is eagerly awaited.

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